
Rudy The Clown [BLENDER 2.8+ ONLY]

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Rudy The Clown [BLENDER 2.8+ ONLY]

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Here's my 1st 3D public model!
From the Gameboy Color to the 3D world... Rudy The Clown!

It's free, but you would help a lot if you gimme some money.
... I'm poor.

  • If you liked this model, please help by paying for it or supporting my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nicobros. It would help a lot! I'm adding my models here for free price - or to choose how much you want to pay for it - and with support it would motivate me more to make more and model models.

I want this!

You'll get the Blender file of the 3D model by downloading this, a readme file and the cover art.

Has facial shape-keys
Uses Riggify
Separated rigs for head, hands and body
Works at both Cycles and Eevee
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